For Vedic Astrology charts, predictions and planetary interpretations on a minute level, Navamsa chart (D-9) is the most important divisional (D) chart after the natal or rashi chart.
In Sanskrit Navamsa is made up of two words- nav which means nine and amsa which means division or portion.
What do the 12 houses (H) in Navamsa represent with respect to marital life:
1st H- How the Jataka will act in a marriage, overall health and longevity of the spouse
2nd H- Your partner’s parents and family and sanchit dhan (money savings)
3rd H- Strength of character and firmness of purpose in marriage
4th H- Overall comfort and happiness in a marriage and the luxuries a couple enjoy, the profession of your partner
5th H- love and romance between the couple, creative aspect and entertainment in marriage
6th H- Obstacles and disturbances in marriage
7th H- Spouse’s nature and characteristics, actions and reactions and Jataka’s capacity to compromise and sacrifice in marriage
8th H- Sexual attraction towards each other, also longevity of marriage
9th H- Fortune of the marriage, also the strongest bond between the couple
10th H- Karma of the couple before the world
11th H- Gains of the couple, social circle of the couple
12th H- Expenses, loss, bed pleasure, troubles of the couple, also foreign travel related to marriage
D-9 chart (Navamsa) gets activated after a couple consummates the relationship so it is very important to analyse Navamsa chart with respect to marital life.