

Have you felt a shift in your energies?

Saturn, the ruling planet of Karma is currently in Retrograde, in its own sign Aquarius. Since Saturn is powerful in its favourite sign, Retrograde will also have significant effects.

How does Saturn Retrograde impact us?

Retrograde means the planet appears to be moving backwards (from the Earth's view). One may not get expected results during this time.

Saturn is responsible, for giving us the fruits of our karma- good or bad. Saturn is known for dispensing justice and balancing the scales.

Saturn is generally a much-feared planet, as it is associated with obstacles and delays. However, if we understand Saturn properly, we can ably navigate the strong influence of Saturn.


What should one expect at this time?

1.Saturn teaches us hard-work-

You need to follow discipline to get success. Saturn tests how badly you want something.

Re-affirm your goals.


2. Saturn teaches us patience-

If sometimes things do not go the way you anticipated, go back to the drawing board again.

Re-invent your plans.


3. Saturn teaches us humility-

You need to own up to your faults also and see what you are repeatedly doing wrong.

Re-analyse your ways.


4. Saturn teaches us balance-

You might be paying too much attention to something, that no longer serves any purpose.

Re-assess your priorities.


5. Saturn teaches us maturity-

You may feel like you are stuck, but with time you find that you have come a long way and grown as a person.

Re-assure yourself.


Hold on tight, for a roller-coaster ride. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.