

The First House represents the Aatma or Soul. The zodiac sign present in our First House (1H) is known as the Ascendant or Lagna. This zodiac sign is calculated as per the eastern most zodiac in the sky or the zodiac in which the Sun first rises, when we are born. The first house represents ourself, our physical attributes and the general characteristics of our personality.

What happens when different planets are positioned in our First House?

1.SUN in 1st House:

The Sun is considered to be the most powerful planet of all. Those with Sun in Lagna are energetic, authoritative, righteous, inquisitive, knowledgeable and politically inclined.

The Sun when positively placed in Lagna, makes one charismatic, enthusiastic, courageous and one having a glowing face with a broad forehead.

The Sun when negatively placed in Lagna, makes one egoistic, dominating, reckless, cruel and one having a dull face with a thin hairline.


2.MOON in 1st House:

The Moon is considered to be the most unpredictable planet of all, due to its changing phases every day. Those with Moon in Lagna are energetic, authoritative, righteous, inquisitive, knowledgeable and politically inclined.

The Moon when positively placed in Lagna, makes one respected, wealth, beautiful, liberal, empathetic, soft-spoken and fearless.

The Moon when negatively placed in Lagna, makes one harsh, servile, lonely and prone to getting hurt very often. 


3.MARS in 1st House:

Mars is considered to be the most fiery planet of all which has a burning red colour. Those with Mars in Lagna are dynamic, passionate, impulsive and ambitious.  

Mars when positively placed in Lagna, makes one organized, adventurous, focused, valorous and athletic.

Mars when negatively placed in Lagna, makes one aggressive, short-sighted, poor decision makers, self-centred and prone to accidents.


4.MERCURY in 1st House:

Mercury is the ruling planet of communication and intellect. Those with Mercury in Lagna are intriguing, talkative, versatile, flexible and technically savvy. 

Mercury when positively placed in Lagna, makes one quick-witted, curious, good orators, strategists and one with youthful looks.

Mercury when negatively placed in Lagna, makes one foul-mouthed, deceitful and prone to issues in their skin, teeth and nerves.


5.JUPITER in 1st House:

Jupiter is the considered to be the Prana (life-source) or Jeev-kaarak of our existence. Jupiter as the largest planet signifies growth, wisdom and progress.

Physically Jupiter in Lagna, gives a wider forehead, thin-hair in the mid-thirties or forties, clear skin, big eyes and a bulkier body.

Mentally Jupiter in Lagna, makes one have leanings towards spirituality, divinity and higher knowledge.


6.VENUS in 1st House:

Venus is the ruling planet of comfort, beauty and pleasure. Those with Venus in Lagna are popular, joyous, attractive, polite and drawn towards luxury. 

Venus when positively placed in Lagna, makes one balanced, rich, reputed, possess good aesthetic sense and have a beautiful face and great physique.

Venus when negatively placed in Lagna, makes one manipulative, eccentric, prone to exaggeration and a tendency towards failed or illicit relationships.


7. SATURN in 1st House:

Saturn is the ruling planet of Karma and Justice. Saturn in Lagna does create obstacles and delays in success or material gains but does not deny it. Saturn is a righteous planet and the Karma-Phaldaata.

People with Saturn in Lagna aren’t up for thrills and joys but are all about order, integrity and stability. As you sow, so shall you reap.

Saturn when positively placed in Lagna, makes a person serious, just, loyal, organized, mature and hard-working.

Saturn when negatively placed in Lagna, can cause you to be lethargic, discontent and closed-minded.