

Some topics have captured the human mind, since time immemorial. One particular age old-argument has always been the question- Does Destiny govern your life or does Karma govern it? We present the following arguments below so that YOU can decide for yourself:

1. How many people can distinguish between Karma (sacred duty) and Kriya (mere actions)?

Simply waking up each day, following mundane patterns, working hard and treating people right according to your own belief system and experiences does not equal to doing Karma. It is merely doing Kriya. The difference between Kriya and Karma is similar to the difference between existing and truly living. While the degree of it may vary according to the person and the circumstances in that moment and time, Karma definitely helps in bending destiny in your favour. Kriya does NOT.


2. If everyone is doing what they feel is the right Karma why don’t they get the desired results each and every time?

It is because our Karma is not only counted from this life- It is a collection of Karma’s from all our lives, and therefore referred to as a Karmic cycle. You may be putting in all the hard-work in office but still facing delays in promotion. Why? In your opinion, you may be giving your 100 percent in a relationship but still feeling misunderstood by your partner. Why? Making what you deemed were prudent decisions for your business, hasn’t given you enough returns and you still face hurdles. Why? Waking up early every day, hitting the gym and eating right but you develop some health issues. Why?

The answer to all the why’s is simply that, whatever we have done in our past lives ALSO governs our present.


3. How much does our past-life action matter and how does it interact with our present actions?

We believe that our actions in the past have impacted our present. Let us assume that in this life we have a target which looks like a bulls-eye. The arrows that we get are from our past-life but the angle, the strength and the focus is up to us in this life. Thus, the target we achieve in the end is a result of two things: the tools we get and the process we apply using those tools. One can be extremely focused, have the perfect line and length to shoot the arrow but if the arrow in our hand is broken, we will NOT hit the desired target. As a corollary, we may have the most perfect bow and arrow in our arsenal but if the focus, the angle, the strength we put in is not perfect, we will still miss the target.


4. If we cannot rectify the past, what can we do in the present and what governs the present?

We can gauge the windspeed but we cannot control it, when we release the arrow. We would like to concentrate on a big event in our office but a photo on Instagram may remind us of something painful that makes us lose focus. We may be under the illusion that a particular colleague is a well-wisher, but he or she may be responsible for some loss or disrepute that we face. We may plan for a child in the first two years of marriage but may not have one for five years. So, there are factors that influence our lives. What governs who we are as a person? What governs who we like as a partner? What governs the career choices we make? What makes us overthink and what makes us reckless? What leads to tragedies that befall us?



It is the 9 planets i.e. the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn along with the two shadow planets known as Rahu and Ketu. Rahu being the north node while Ketu refers to the south node of the lunar orbit intersecting the Earth’s solar orbit.

Their positions in different houses at different points in time govern your thoughts, actions and its impact. Therefore, it is important to understand your own chart so you can prepare better for what is to come, make the best choices while mitigating certain negative incidents and enabling some positive events in your life.